Monday, July 18, 2011

Water Lilly's - Beginning - Halfway - Finished

Halfway Comments:  I decided this is my halfway painting.  I'm am tired.  And I am getting confused between what is a water lilly pad and what is water and what is purple and what is blue.  Ahhhhh!

Beginning Comments:  I have started a new painting of water lilly's and I can already tell you this one is going to be torturous. So much detail!  It's kind of like everything is the same but everything is so different! This should be fun.  But I do have to admit that taking a picture like this let's you see where you are going wrong structurally in the painting.  Like the giant flower in my painting may be a "tad" too large!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sky's On Fire

Talk about a tough one.  I learned that no matter how much paint you slather on the canvas you just cannot get that brilliant glow that nature provides.  Here is my effort at painting last night's sunset.

Below is my photo reference, you see the difference, the more I changed it the worse it got.

Mission Aglow

This is my view from my front garden where I sit and paint or just sip Mint Juleps watching the sunset and talking to neighbors passing by.  A wonderful place to be.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Lilly 1

This painting was started yesterday at my friend Sylvia's house.  I had a small surgical procedure at 8AM and then we started painting but by noon I was starting to feel a little pain, I forgot I was ok as long as the anesthesia was fine and forgot to get anything for pain.  So, I cut the day short and went home, took a pain pill and crashed.  This morning I was off to the massage school and felt so good this afternoon, I finished the Lilly Painting.  Hope you enjoy.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Carlotta's Kumquats

Finally I have finished my painting.  It was a dash to the finish line and I am glad that I finished the painting instead of throwing it off to the side to start another one.

I am currently working on a painting of kumquats that grow native in San Antonio.  Now my husband came in and looked at it and said my "lemons" were crooked.  How cute is that!  I am at a crossroads right now as I like to paint alla prima and now I have waited 2 days and the painting is drying.  I will have to gather up my enthusiasm to finish this piece so it does not go to my bone yard pile behind my easy chair in my studio.

Deborah's Pet Portraits

Tuesday, July 12, 2011